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Modul:Datační kategorie

Z Wikizpráv

Dokumentaci tohoto modulu lze vytvořit na stránce Nápověda:Modul:Datační kategorie

-- @brief
--  Backend for {{Datační kategorie}}.
-- @author
--  [[meta:User:Danny B.]]
local _module = {}

local DateTime = require( "Module:DateTime" )
local CategoryTypes = {}

function CategoryTypes.DM( dmy )
	local output = {}
	local day = dmy[1]
	local month = dmy[2]
	local year = 2008
	local monthName = DateTime.months[month].name
	local monthNameEn = os.date( "%B", os.time( { year = year, month = month, day = day } ) )
	local dayPrev = os.date( "*t", os.time( { day = day - 1, month = month, year = year } ) )
	local dayNext = os.date( "*t", os.time( { day = day + 1, month = month, year = year } ) )
	local verbalDatePrev = string.format( "%d. %s", dayPrev.day, DateTime.months[dayPrev.month].name )
	local verbalDateNext = string.format( "%d. %s", dayNext.day, DateTime.months[dayNext.month].name )
	output.navigation = {
		["prev"] = string.format( "[[:Kategorie:%s|◄ %s]]", verbalDatePrev, verbalDatePrev ),
		["next"] = string.format( "[[:Kategorie:%s|%s ►]]", verbalDateNext, verbalDateNext )
	output.sisterprojects = {
			["project"] = "Wikipedie",
			["type"] = "článek",
			["title"] = string.format( "%d. %s", day, monthName )
		}, {
			["project"] = "Wikipedie",
			["type"] = "kategorie",
			["title"] = string.format( "%d. %s", day, monthName )
		}, {
			["project"] = "Commons",
			["type"] = "kategorie",
			["title"] = string.format( "%d %s", day, monthNameEn )
	output.categories = {
			["title"] = monthName,
			["sortkey"] = string.format( "*%d", year )
		}, {
			["title"] = year,
			["sortkey"] = string.format( " %02d", month )
	return output

function CategoryTypes.DMY( dmy )
	local output = {}
	local day = dmy[1]
	local month = dmy[2]
	local year = dmy[3]
	local monthName = DateTime.months[month].name
	local verbalDate = string.format( "%d. %s %d", day, monthName, year )
	local dayPrev = os.date( "*t", os.time( { day = day - 1, month = month, year = year } ) )
	local dayNext = os.date( "*t", os.time( { day = day + 1, month = month, year = year } ) )
	local verbalDatePrev = string.format( "%d. %s %d", dayPrev.day, DateTime.months[dayPrev.month].name, dayPrev.year )
	local verbalDateNext = string.format( "%d. %s %d", dayNext.day, DateTime.months[dayNext.month].name, dayNext.year )
	local dayOverview
	local categoryPrev = ""
	local categoryNext = ""
	local pagesInCategory
	local titleObject
	if tonumber( year ) >= 2008 then
		titleObject = mw.title.new( verbalDate )
		-- expensive++
		if titleObject.exists then
			dayOverview = string.format( "[[%s|Denní přehled]]", verbalDate )
			pagesInCategory = mw.site.stats.pagesInCategory( verbalDate, "pages" )
			-- expensive++
			dayOverview = string.format( "<span title=\"Založit denní přehled pro %s\">[%s Založit denní přehled]</span>",
					action = "edit",
					editintro = "Wikizprávy:Kostry stránek/Denní přehled/návod",
					preload = "Wikizprávy:Kostry stránek/Denní přehled",
					summary = verbalDate
	titleObject = mw.title.new( "Kategorie:" .. verbalDatePrev )
	-- expensive++
	if not titleObject.exists then
		categoryPrev = string.format( " <span title=\"Založit datační kategorii pro %s\">[%s ✍]</span>",
				action = "edit",
				preload = "Wikizprávy:Kostry stránek/Datační kategorie",
				summary = "Dokumentace"
	titleObject = mw.title.new( "Kategorie:" .. verbalDateNext )
	-- expensive++
	if not titleObject.exists then
		categoryNext = string.format( "<span title=\"Založit datační kategorii pro %s\">[%s ✍]</span> ",
				action = "edit",
				preload = "Wikizprávy:Kostry stránek/Datační kategorie",
				summary = "Dokumentace"
	output.navigation = {
		["prev"] = string.format( "[[:Kategorie:%s|◄ %s]]%s", verbalDatePrev, verbalDatePrev, categoryPrev ),
		["curr"] = dayOverview,
		["next"] = string.format( "%s[[:Kategorie:%s|%s ►]]", categoryNext, verbalDateNext, verbalDateNext )
	output.categories = {
			["title"] = string.format( "%d. %s", day, monthName ),
			["sortkey"] = string.format( " %04d", year )
		}, {
			["title"] = string.format( "%s %d", monthName, year ),
			["sortkey"] = string.format( " %02d", day )
	if pagesInCategory then
		table.insert( output.categories, 
				["title"] = string.format( "Monitoring:Datační kategorie dne bez denního přehledu/%d", pagesInCategory ),
				["sortkey"] = string.format( " %04d%02d%02d", year, month, day )
	return output

function CategoryTypes.M( dmy )
	local output = {}
	local month = dmy[2]
	local monthPrev = DateTime.months[month == 1 and 12 or month - 1].name
	local monthNext = DateTime.months[month == 12 and 1 or month + 1].name
	output.navigation = {
		["prev"] = string.format( "[[:Kategorie:%s|◄ %s]]", monthPrev, monthPrev ),
		["next"] = string.format( "[[:Kategorie:%s|%s ►]]", monthNext, monthNext )
	output.sisterprojects = {
			["project"] = "Wikipedie",
			["type"] = "článek",
			["title"] = mw.language.getContentLanguage():ucfirst( DateTime.months[month].name )
	output.categories = {
			["title"] = "Podle měsíce",
			["sortkey"] = string.format( " %02d", month )
	return output

function CategoryTypes.MY( dmy )
	local output = {}
	local day = 1
	local month = dmy[2]
	local year = dmy[3]
	local monthName = DateTime.months[month].name
	local monthNameGen = DateTime.months[month].genitive
	local monthNameEn = os.date( "%B", os.time( { year = year, month = month, day = day } ) )
	local monthPrev = os.date( "*t", os.time( { year = year, month = month - 1, day = day } ) )
	local monthNext = os.date( "*t", os.time( { year = year, month = month + 1, day = day } ) )
	local monthYearPrev = string.format( "%s %s", DateTime.months[monthPrev.month].name, monthPrev.year)
	local monthYearNext = string.format( "%s %s", DateTime.months[monthNext.month].name, monthNext.year)
	output.navigation = {
		["prev"] = string.format( "[[:Kategorie:%s|◄ %s]]", monthYearPrev, monthYearPrev ),
		["next"] = string.format( "[[:Kategorie:%s|%s ►]]", monthYearNext, monthYearNext )
	output.description = "Tato kategorie obsahuje kategorie dnů z&#160;" .. monthNameGen .. " " .. year .. ". Neměla by obsahovat žádné přímo vložené zprávy."
	output.sisterprojects = {
			["project"] = "Wikipedie",
			["type"] = "článek",
			["title"] = string.format( "%s %s", mw.language.getContentLanguage():ucfirst( monthName ), year )
		}, {
			["project"] = "Commons",
			["type"] = "kategorie",
			["title"] = string.format( "%s %s", monthNameEn, year )
	output.categories = {
			["title"] = monthName,
			["sortkey"] = string.format( "*%d", year )
		}, {
			["title"] = year,
			["sortkey"] = string.format( " %02d", month )
	return output

function CategoryTypes.Y( dmy )
	local output = {}
	local year = dmy[3]
	output.navigation = {
		["prev"] = string.format( "[[:Kategorie:%s|◄ %s]]", year - 1, year - 1 ),
		["next"] = string.format( "[[:Kategorie:%s|%s ►]]", year + 1, year + 1 )
	output.sisterprojects = {
			["project"] = "Wikipedie",
			["type"] = "článek",
			["title"] = year
		}, {
			["project"] = "Wikipedie",
			["type"] = "kategorie",
			["title"] = year
		}, {
			["project"] = "Commons",
			["type"] = "kategorie",
			["title"] = year
	output.categories = {
			["title"] = "Podle roku",
			["sortkey"] = string.format( " %04d", year )
	return output

-- @brief
--  Generates the text for date categories.
-- @param
--  frame The current frame object
-- @return
--  Preprocessed wikitext
function _module.print( frame )
	local output = ""
	local titleObject = mw.title.getCurrentTitle()
	if titleObject.namespace ~= 14 then
	local day
	local month
	local year
	local categoryType
	local data
	day, month, year, categoryType = DateTime.parseVerbalDate( titleObject.text )
	data = CategoryTypes[categoryType]( { day, month, year } )
	if data.navigation then
		local navigation = {}
		table.insert( navigation, data.navigation.prev )
		table.insert( navigation, data.navigation.curr )
		table.insert( navigation, data.navigation.next )
		output = output .. "<div class=\"sequenceBoxSimple plainlinks\">\n"
		output = output .. table.concat( navigation, " • " )
		output = output .. "\n</div>\n\n"
	if data.description then
		output = output .. data.description .. "\n\n"
	if data.sisterprojects then
		output = output .. "== Externí odkazy ==\n"
		for _, link in ipairs( data.sisterprojects ) do
			output = output .. string.format( "* {{%s|%s=%s}}\n", link.project, link.type, link.title )
		output = output .. "\n"
	if data.categories then
		for _, category in ipairs( data.categories ) do
			output = output .. string.format( "[[Kategorie:%s|%s]]\n", category.title, category.sortkey )
	output = frame:preprocess( output )
	return output

return _module